learning cultureWork Life 

5 Tips For Creating a Learning Culture For Your Business

Only one out of 10 companies have an active culture of learning. Creating a learning culture requires hands-on management, care, compassion, and open communication.

Businesses with an honest and active culture of learning foster creativity, fresh ideas, and happier employees!

If you find that your business’ learning culture is lacking check out these five tips to create a happy, successful office.

1. Be Proactive, Not Reactive

The worst thing you can do for your business is to solve problems in real time. Ideally, your team should anticipate problems and work towards solutions before you run into issues.

Be conscious of what’s happening in your business, where there are areas of opportunity, and ask employees what issues they run into on a daily basis. Let them have the floor to voice concerns. They may run into issues that you may not even be aware of.

2. Measure and Adapt to Reach Your Goals

A successful learning curve is neverending. What worked for your business five years ago, won’t necessarily work today.

In today’s world, every industry is adapting: medical practitioners are going paperless, stores are searching for retailing solutions for brands, and offices are looking for new ways to reach their goals.

You can help create a learning culture by looking for trustworthy solutions that will measure your ROI in concrete numbers. Seeing growth in numbers emboldens employees and gives you some competitive data.

3. Communicate with Your Team

We know that every blog or article concerning business can’t go without a mention of communication, but we really can’t stress its importance enough.

The most successful businesses are the ones that have a direct and open line of communication for all of their employees. Don’t wait for your employees to come to you with a concern or question. Be proactive in their tasks and their career.

Did you know that 46 percent of employees leave meetings not even knowing what the next steps are? Combat this and other situations like it by creating clear, concise directives. Encourage your team to get in on the action, speak their mind, and even offer alternatives if they believe they have a more successful process.

4. Implement a Multi-Channel Approach

With so much new technology, it doesn’t make sense to stick to outdated methods of work.

Using technology is proven to increase productivity among employees and gives them the freedom to work from anywhere. Even if remote work is not something your company offers, having a multi-channel approach to work processes and communication gives employees more of an opportunity to speak up and out.

Multi-channel platforms also give employees the chance to shine in areas that may be underutilized.

5. Give the Option of Anonymity for Concerns

Speaking of voicing concerns or suggestions, give employees an option to leave said concerns anonymously.

Even the most caring workspace can turn uncomfortable when a “he said-she said” breaks out.

Provide a safe space for concerns to be voiced without revealing the employee who presented it.

Fostering a Learning Culture in Your Office

A happy office is one that never leaves the learning culture untouched. Progress your business with new technology, processes, and encourage your employees to think outside the box.

Looking for more creative ways to support your team? Check out our business advice articles for the latest tips, tricks, and trends.

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